Heidelberg Engineering

Instrumentpartner AS har nylig blitt ny leverandør av Heidelberg Engineering sine produkter i Norge.

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Repeterbarhet uten sidestykke

Heidelberg-produktene har en bransjeledende repetarbarhet på målingene.

Trygghet gjennom ekspertise

Vi ønsker at alle Heidelberg-kunder skal være mer enn bare kunder eller brukere. Vi ønsker at alle skal være eksperter!

Her kommer studier, artikler mm.

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Spørsmål & Svar

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Hva kan Anterion brukes til?

Her kan du se en video om Anterion! 

Hva er Anterion?

Anterion er en multi-modal maskin som tar flere forskjellige målinger og bilder i samme håndvending.

Metrics App

The ANTERION® Metrics App features exceptionally clear swept-source OCT images with the anterior chamber displayed in a radial view.

The high-resolution OCT images provide the basis for accurate metrics. Determine predefined angle parameters or perform free-hand measurements customized to the clinical case. Beyond commonly used parameters, the Metrics App offers anterior chamber volume, lens thickness and vault.

Imaging App

As the foundation of the ANTERION® platform, the Imaging App focuses on the high-resolution visualization of the entire anterior segment, from the anterior surface of the cornea to the posterior surface of the lens. It delivers impressive and revealing swept-source OCT images that provide visual confirmation and add reliability as well as accuracy to the diagnosis and follow-up of anterior segment alterations.

Cornea App

The ANTERION® Cornea App provides a comprehensive diagnostic solution to assess a patient’s individual corneal geometry. Diagnose or monitor corneal alterations and enhance the planning and evaluation of refractive surgery. Experience the powerful combination of high-resolution OCT images and corneal measurements for a thorough assessment, including curvature and elevation maps of the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces. Total corneal power, pachymetry and corneal wavefront analysis deliver clear information needed for confident decision making.

Cataract App

The ANTERION® Cataract App combines key measurements for cataract surgery planning: corneal analysis, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and axial length. The optimized swept-source OCT technology allows for accurate measurements and visual confirmation with high-resolution images even through dense cataracts.

The ability to assess total corneal power leads to a more suitable IOL selection, while the integrated spherical and toric IOL calculator adds convenience to the pre-operative routine.

Instrumentpartner er et medisinsk teknisk selskap som har et mål om å tilby innovative løsninger innenfor kirurgi.

Vi er representert i Norden.

Kontakt oss

Håvard Holtskog Myrland
Daglig leder / Managing Director

Telefon: +47 901 42 600
Mail: haavard@instrumentpartner.no

    Fornavn *

    Etternavn *





    Kontakt oss

    Håvard Holtskog Myrland
    Daglig leder / Managing Director

    Telefon: +47 901 42 600

    Mail: haavard@instrumentpartner.no

      Fornavn *

      Etternavn *



